"Where the Money is Online
and How to Get It..."

Read on to discover how you can accelerate directly to the money with this NEW breakthrough training...

9th February 2025
From the Desk of Michael Cheney, Aberdeen, Scotchland, UK-pre-Brexit


Howdy Pardner,

There's gold in them thar hills. The question is - are you gonna get your hands on it?

When I started out in the "wild, wild west" of internet marketing back in 1999 I was a true pioneer - clueless about which direction to take and lying almost dead on the ground with arrows in my back.

Don't be that guy...

I Was Frustrated, Jealous And Angry At The People
Making Easy Money Online And I Thought I'd
Tried Everything To Get It To Work...

I knew that all the people I was seeing online day after day, week after week making huge profits must be doing something right - so what was I missing and what did they know that I didn't?

So I slaved my frickin ass off for close to TWENTY YEARS and devoured every piece of internet marketing knowledge known to man - blog posts, training programs, seminars, CDs, reports, videos, members' area - you name it.

I was living, breathing and eating internet marketing with every waking hour of my life...

I Knew There Had To Be A Way To Legally "Game"
The System And Make Money Quickly...

A way to generate substantial income without reverting to scammy tactics, flash in pan "schemes" or other BS.


The very moment you get online the first thing they try and get you to do is to dip into your wallet and join their phony EM-ELL-EM program!

Screw that!

"There has to be a better way", I thought.

Well, for the longest time it looked like all the naysayers were right - I hit stumbling block after stumbling block and had worked my ass off for years without any income whatsoever trying to crack the internet marketing nut until finally...

After Over Two Years, Thousands of Hours and Thousands of Dollars Spent I Finally Left the Pain Cave and Emerged Exhausted But Victorious...

The pieces finally fell into place...

And like all great discoveries mine was simple a one.

So simple in fact that at first, I thought I must have missed something.

Everything fused together in my mind in true Eureka! style moment and it HIT me there and then;

$29,413.09 Flooded Into My Bank Account
from the Internet...

Now that's what you call a RESULT. 😉

So here's what I did...

  • I used the "Gold Rush Method" to find the money online
  • I activated the simple tactic to extract the money from this "gold mine"
  • I got the money - $29,413.09 to be exact.

But what surprises me most about all this is that...

Nobody Else Is Teaching You This Stuff...


Very few people have even heard of this Gold Rush Money Method.

Only a small and elite group of people have learned this secret.

I know it.

My clients know it.

And a few other cutting-edge internet marketing "insiders" out there also know it.

And today you can add your name to that list...

YES! You're Finally Going To Make Money Online
Because When You Join The Gold Rush
You Are Going To Discover;

  • Where The Money Is Online And How To Get It
  • The Little-Known Tactic That Will Make You 212% More Sales
  • The Weird Little Profit-Hack That Gets You Lots More Buyers Every Time
  •  How To Unleash A "Money-Cloning Machine" That Duplicates Your Profits Without Duplicating Your Effort
  • The Closely-Guarded Secret The "Internet Marketing Illuminati" Use To Get Hundreds Of Leads A Day, for Free
  • How To Unearth The Gold Bullion Online In The Quickest Time Humanly Possible
  • The "Diamond-Encrusted Drillbit" Method For Digging Up Rich Veins Of Pure Profit From Free Sources Online
  • How To Differentiate The Deadly Land Mines From The Lucrative Gold Mines Online
  • The Real Truth Nobody Dare Say About How To Get People To Hand You Over Lots Of Money
  • And LOTS, lots more...

Once You Unlock The Secret To Making Money
Online Everything Becomes Possible...

Once I discovered the easy way to make money online I could finally start enjoying multiple vacations per year and spend more time with my family - the whole reason I started my business in the first place!

Yes! Joining The Gold Rush
Means You Are Now Finally...

  • Making Money Online And Being Richly-Rewarded For Doing Simple, Easy Steps
  • Experiencing Instant And Large-Scale Profits From Simple Steps That Take Minimal Effort
  • Smiling All The Way To The Bank As You Get More Time AND Money Into Your Life
  • Laughing At Your Competitors As You Finally Crack The "Internet Code" And Are Making Consistent Meaty Pay Days Time After Time
  • Growing Your Sales Quickly And Easily As You See The Compounding Effect Of Things Done Right Day After Day

It's simple math.

You find someone who has the results you want. e.g. someone making $1442.29 commissions per day and you get your hands on their process.

The money starts flowing to you quickly.

Once I started investing in the knowledge of others I quickly went on to make millions of dollars in commissions.

Don't make the same mistake I did.

You need to shortcut direct to success by following the clues which are left behind.

And in this case - I'll give you the entire process so you can apply it for yourself step-by-step without any guesswork or trial and error.

Which is why you'll make money quickly with this and let me put your mind at rest right now if you're a newbie reading this...

If Joining The Gold Rush Is So Powerful
Why Am I Revealing Everything To You
Inside This Breakthrough Training?

There are two reasons:-

Reason #1

Because you need to realize that internet marketing arena is supremely vast. Billions are being made every year and we're not even properly started yet. You can do exactly what I do and start helping yourself to a generously-sized piece of this "multi-billion dollar cake" and it won't even make the tiniest dent in the available cash or my profits.

Reason #2

Because you might have noticed by now that I love helping people. It's how I got to where I am. And once you have a few million kicking around money takes somewhat of a backseat and seeing the success stories of people you've helped gives you an even bigger buzz. Just trust me on this - I am WITH YOU on this journey and want nothing more than to get that email from you saying you've bought that house in the sun, you've paid off your mortgage or you've just finished saving for your kids' college fund because of finally discovering how to make money online.

3 Powerful Reasons The Gold Rush is Different To Everything Else...

  • It works (always important!). Feel free to get your money back if you are the first person on the planet this doesn't work for
  • It's based on a battle-tested, proven strategy learned through trial and error on the internet marketing battlefield. Not some regurgitated crap spouted by some wannabe who hasn't spent two days online (never mind 20 years).
  • It's fast. You can be up and running with this TODAY and get money and sales coming in within the next 24 hours. Seriously.

PROOF That You Will Make More Money
by Joining the Gold Rush...


Thanks to the good ol' "Sherriff FTC" we are not permitted to show you oodles of testimonials.

They won't allow us to fill this letter with countless screenshots of the ___________ we've made online using the exact same method you'll discover when you join the Gold Rush.


Instead - you're just gonna have to take our word for it. And if that ain't good enough for yer then you can just whistle sweet Dixie...

The Good Ol' "Sherriff FTC" Has Laid Down the Law
About What I Can and Cannot Show You Regarding
The Methods I Teach, So Here Goes...

PLUS Join The Gold Rush Today
And You Get All These Killer
Bonuses Totally For FREE...


The Money Finder Method

I've just recorded this NEW video for you that takes you right to the money.

You'll Discover:

  • The best way to reach people with money online
  • The 7-second strategy for pinpointing profitable prospects
  • The little-known targeting methods that generate upto 341% more ROI for all your campaigns
  • And much, much more!

The Triple-Threat Traffic Tactic

You're getting LOTS more free traffic to your offers with this secret “stealth traffic” method that goes under the radar but gets you over the top results.

You'll Discover:

  • How to drive masses of free traffic DIRECTLY to any offer you want
  • The newbie-friendly way to get tons more clicks, leads and sales without the hassle
  • The sure-fire shortcut to quickly building an army of raving fans and red hot buyers
  • And much, much more!

Killer Copy Cheat Sheet

Shortcut your way to sure-fire sales success with this kick-ass collection of proven sales-getting copy.

You'll Discover:

  • How to quickly make more sales and more money using my personal collection of killer copy that converts like crazy
  • The simple secret to becoming an instant copywriting master by copying these ready to use phrases for your ads, landing pages and emails
  • The easy way to save time and money by tapping into my 20 years of copywriting experience

7 Sure-Fire Signs That You Need
To Join The Gold Rush

  • You're sick of not making any money online
  • You want a piece of the internet Gold Rush like everyone else!
  • You've got a burning desire and maybe some tactics but you haven't made any money yet
  • You want to unlock the internet money secrets that are being kept from you
  • You want an expert to guide you, step-by-step, directly to the online profits
  • You've put a lot of time and effort into growing your internet profits and you finally want to see some SALES COMING IN
  • You're busy and want to minimize learning so you can maximize earning

30-Day Guarantee

Want Your Money Back? No Problem!

Join the Gold Rush, digest it, devour it and if you’re not convinced that it’s the best money you’ve ever spent just let me know and I’ll refund your entire purchase right there and then.

No questions asked.


That's right - I will give you a complete refund.

That's how confident I am that this will work for you.

Nobody has ever taken me up on this as you can imagine!

Why would they? This works - it's like paint by numbers!

Yes, Show Me Where The Money Is And How To Get It

  • YES! Please let me Join The Gold Rush for the one-time, low investment
  • Yes! I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested and proved method of making money online!
  • Yes! I understand that you're giving me the complete method in an easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step, format!
  • Yes! I want immediate access to this groundbreaking information right away so I can start applying it today and make money online!
  • Yes! I understand that you will also be giving me access to your legendary team of internet marketing super-nerds on standby to help me make money fast!

Very Limited Time Offer:

Get Access Now:

The Gold Rush

All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Ltd - Michael Cheney's holding company.

So Why Just a Few Bucks?

For THREE reasons...

Firstly, because I want to show you that when you apply what I teach you will make you money. Lots of money. So I'm putting my product where my mouth is and giving it to you for a nominal fee

And let's face it - if you're not serious enough about your business to go down the back of the couch and rustle up a few bucks, then there's nothing I, or anyone else, can do to help you! And you should know that I WILL be increasing the price of this very soon because it's worth at least $997 because of the breakthrough results students are getting with it.

Secondly, because I want to level the playing field on getting top of the line internet marketing training. When I was starting out and struggling to make that first dollar (never mind $175,120 in a few days) all I could find were people charging the earth for their tips. You are getting some of my innermost money secrets for pennies on the dollar here.

Thirdly, because I hope that once you have joined The Gold Rush you will become a raving fan and want to buy more of my stuff. And no - I'm not gonna give this away for free. You see, I've taught tens of thousands of students since 1999 and one thing I've learned is that if you're not financially invested in something then you won't apply it.

Now it's your time.

By now you know you want this so don't let the price of a coffee and muffin stand in the way of you and being able to finally make money online.

So I'll see you INSIDE now you've joined the Gold Rush, I can't wait to share this stuff with you. You're gonna love it.

Here's to you making money online today!



Michael Cheney

P.S. When I started out trying to make money online there wasn't anything like this to help me out...

So I spent many thousands of hours, many thousands of dollars and many sleepless nights and worrisome days trying to find out what worked (and what didn't)...

It was a desperate time with much trial and error, confusion and frustration.

But you have a choice - you can try and do all this on your own and make tons of expensive and time-consuming mistakes, OR...

You can join the Gold Rush right now and immediately have the answers at your fingertips that will help you finally breakthrough and make money online.

Yes, Show Me Where The Money Is And How To Get It

  • YES! Please let me Join The Gold Rush for the one-time, low investment
  • Yes! I understand I am short-cutting thousands of hours of painstaking research, trial and error by getting my hands on this battle-tested and proved method of making money online!
  • Yes! I understand that you're giving me the complete method in an easy to copy and deploy, step-by-step, format!
  • Yes! I want immediate access to this groundbreaking information right away so I can start applying it today and make money online!
  • Yes! I understand that you will also be giving me access to your legendary team of internet marketing super-nerds on standby to help me make money fast!

Very Limited Time Offer:

Get Access Now:

The Gold Rush

All payments are received by Seniority.co.uk Ltd - Michael Cheney's holding company.

My results are A-TYPICAL because I am super-focused and when I get to work I work hard. That's why you probably won't have the same results as me. I can not promise that you'll even have similar results because I don't know if you will work as hard as me. Your success in business (and in life) depends on YOU, your aptitude, your ability, your skills, your work ethic, and many other factors out of my control. Your individual success does NOT depend on me or on this product. Please read over all the legal pages below before buying.

© Michael Cheney. All rights reserved.